What exactly is rehab?

What exactly is rehab?

The process of assisting a person in achieving the highest level of function, independence, and quality of life is known as rehabilitation. Rehabilitation in Griffith aids in restoring a person to their ideal state of health, functioning, and well-being; it does not remove or reverse the harm that a disease or accident has caused. To restore implies to make capable.

The treatment programmes

Each programme is unique because Sports Physiotherapy in Griffith treatment is tailored to each patient's unique needs. The following are some typical therapy elements for rehab programmes:

treating the underlying illness and avoiding complications

offering education to assist the patient and family in adjusting to lifestyle changes

Rehab's success is influenced by a number of factors, such as:

the type and extent of the illness, condition, or injury

the kind and severity of any consequent problems and limitations

Understanding rehabilitation

When an impairment is brought on by a disease or accident, rehabilitation is needed. Think about the following:

A person has a disability if they are unable to carry out a task normally due to an impairment, for as the inability to walk.

Limitations that hinder a person with a disability from carrying out a regular task for that individual, like not being able to work, constitute a handicap. A barrier that is imposed by society, the environment, or one's own attitude is referred to as a handicap.

Most disabled people are not regarded as being handicapped. They engage with society fully and competently by attending school, working, and taking care of their families.


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