Meet the People Who Make Specialty Coffee Their Life's Work

Meet the People Who Make Specialty Coffee Their Life's Work

Great coffee begins with the farmer, whose family has probably spent decades refining their strategy for cultivating the best coffee possible. The producer that makes Coffee Roasters in Lambton dedicates his or her life to developing and refining the best-grade coffee on earth, which is grown in specific altitudes and climates and nurtured for years prior to the first harvest. For them, quality rather than quantity is the most crucial factor.


The Buyer of Green Coffee

Green coffee is next transferred to the green coffee buyer who may have an SCA Coffee Skills Program certification in the Green Coffee module. They have a palate as refined as a sommelier and are skilled at cupping, or the methodical tasting of brewed coffees, to pinpoint coffee quality. By using cupping, a coffee taster can evaluate a coffee's score, decide whether it is specialty grade quality, choose which coffees to provide, and often create tasting notes and descriptions for the coffee that will appear on its final package.


A roaster

Next, premium coffees are given to the coffee roaster, who might be SCA-certified as having finished countless hours of classroom instruction and practical training to expertly roast the  Coffee Beans in Lambton. Producing specialty-level roast profiles for coffee needs a high level of ability and knowledge in the art of coffee roasting. To ensure that the final roasted bean meets the highest standards for quality and flavor, scientific principles of heat transfer, thermodynamics, and coffee chemistry must be employed while the coffee is being carefully checked during the roasting process.


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