Basic Builder Responsibilities

Basic Builder Responsibilities

The promoter bears the primary responsibility for registering the real estate project. All obligations, responsibilities, and duties under the Act are the responsibility of the Builder in Chisholm as well.

certification of completion

Promoters are entrusted with the duty of securing the completion or occupancy certificate from the relevant government to make it available to the allottees, either singly or as a group.

Services Maintenance and Provision

Promoters must start and continue to offer the necessary services at a fair price until the association of allottees takes over the project.

Formation of Association Under the relevant laws, the promoter is tasked with facilitating the formation of an association, society, cooperative society, or federation of the same among the allottees. The association of allottees must be established within three months after the majority of allottees reserve their plot, flat, or building in the project, absent any applicable municipal regulations.

Deed of Registered Conveyance

The promoter is accountable for completing the registered transfer deed of the real estate property in the allottee's favor. The association of allottees who have reserved their real estate property in the Home Renovations in Chisholm must accompany this with the undivided proportionate title in the common areas.

Payment of Expenses

The promoter is responsible for covering all costs up until the time that the allottee or the group of allottees takes physical ownership of the real estate project, including ground rent, land costs, maintenance fees, etc. Even after the transfer, the promoter is still responsible for any unpaid expenses owed to the allocators or the association of allocators.


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